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درجة الحرارة المحلية
التاريخ المحلي
27 أبريل 2024
الوقت المحلي



تواريخ السفر


الرمز الترويجى

سياسة الشركات

فنادق مونتكالم الفاخرة بلندن تلتزم بالتركيز على المبادرات الخضراء والسياسات الخضراء من خلال مراقبة وتقليل مستويات الاستهلاك، تحويل الجهود البيئية إلى تخفيض للتكلفة وفرص لجلب العائد مع ترويج مسؤوليات الشركات المجتمعية، يتم دعم سياستنا للمسؤولية المجتمعية من كل الموظفين الذين يساعدون في تعريف وتطبيق سياسات صديقة للبيئة. فسياسة مونتكالم للمسؤولية المجتمعية تحدد المبادىء والاشتراطات لكل الشركة، مطلوب من جميع الموظفين بكل فنادقنا الالتزام بهذه السياسة

The Montcalm at The Brewery London City corporate responsibility policy sets out the principle and standards for the company. All staff at each of our hotels is required to comply with the policy.

  • Accessibility for all
  • إتاحة الدعم المجتمعي و
  • السياسة البيئية
  • المبادىء،
  • المواصفات، إدارة
  • غازات الاحتباس الحراري،
  • الموارد
  • الإجراءات اليومية
  • المواد الخطرة،
  • المجتمع المحلي
  • دعم المجتمع

تمكن الجميع من الوصول

تتفهم فنادق مونتكالم أن كل نزيل لديه احتياجات مختلفة ونعمل على أن نجعل مرافق الفنادق متاحة للجميع ويسهل الوصول إليها، وفي أحيان قليلة عندما لا يكون ذلك ممكن نحاول أن نقدم مجموعة من المرافق للنزلاء من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة:

  • جراج مخصص ومدخل يسهل الدخول ودورة مياه
  • وغرف يسهل الوصول إليها و
  • نرحب بكلاب الخدمة..

دعم المجتمع

فنادق مونتكالم تدعم مشاريع المجتمع المحلي وتساعد في الأعمال الخيرية المحلية، يتم النظر في كل طلب ونجري برامج عن التأثير البيئي بكل فندق

جميع النشاطات والتبرعات والرعاه من النزلاء والموردين والموظفين تدعم هدف الشركة في دعم الأعمال الخيرية المحلية...

السياسة البيئية

Policy Statement

فنادق مونتكالم تعلم أنه يمكن أن يؤثر نشاطها ومنتجاتها وخدماتها على البيئة، وهذه السياسة تحدد كيف ستدير المؤسسة وتراقب وتقوم بقياس أدائها البيئي

لطبيق هذه السياسة فنادق مونتكالم تلتزم بشروط القانون المحلي والقومي والعالمي المختص بالجوانب البيئية وتتأكد من أنه يتم تحديث السياسة لتتماشى مع هذه الشروط.

فنادق مونتكالم ملتزمه بمنع التلوث أينما أمكن وتضمن أيضاً تحسين المنتجات الجديدة والخدمات لتسهيل هذه الحماية، يتم مراجعة النظم الموجودة والعمليات للتعرف على مناطق للحماية من التلوث، لكل منتج وخدمة وعملية سيتم تحقيق ذلك كالآتي:

- تخفيض استخدام المواد والتكنولوجيا التي تتسبب في التلوث
- إعادة استخدام وتدوير المواد داخل فنادق المونتكالم إن أمك
- نقل المواد والقمامة خارج فنادق مونتكالم
- التحكم في التخلص من القمامة لإعادة تدويرها. تدمج فنادق مونتكالم إدارة العمليات البيئية والتخطيط مع المؤسسة لتقليل تأثيرها على البيئة،
- ومن خلال استخدام عملية تقييم الآداء البيئي ومؤشرات الآداء الرئيسية

The Montcalm at The Brewery London City will integrate environmental management procedures, processes and planning with the general operations of the organization to maximise the potential reduction of the organizations environmental impacts.

Through the use of environmental performance evaluation procedures and key performance indicators, The Montcalm at The Brewery London City will seek continual improvement in its environmental performance. This will be achieved through the proper implementation of its environmental management system. The design, development and management of the environmental management system, related procedures and indicators is the responsibility of senior management.

Through the implementation of this policy, The Montcalm at The Brewery London City will set a leading example of good environmental management for its industry.


The Environment Policy is everyone's responsibility from kitchen porter to Executive team, and sets out the responsibility for environmental performance and develops and maintains an adequate system of management, measurement and improvements.

  • All actions comply with relevant regulations.
  • Business is conducted with due regard to the environment, its habitats and biodiversity.
  • The business operations are regularly assessed for compliance with policy, performance and achievement of targets.
  • Environment considerations are taken into account in all major business decisions.
  • Employees are encouraged to work in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Suppliers are encouraged to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and such encouragement is made a condition of any supply.
  • Where appropriate, encourage support from customers by providing them with products and services that are environmentally responsible in use.
  • Customers are made aware of all environmental policies in the specific areas where they are in direct contact.
  • The company will report regularly on its environmental performance.


The Commercial Director is responsible for the overall environmental performance, which is reported to the Board of Directors.

Develop and thereafter maintain an adequately documented environmental recording and reporting system.

Ensure that the implications for the environment are taken into consideration in all major business decisions.

When tendering for new suppliers, their green and CSR credentials will be assessed before awarding business.

Develop and thereafter maintain a record of formal written comments concerning environmental performance and set targets for their reduction.

Assess the business regularly for compliance with this policy.


Reduce the use of energy through awareness programmes and through designing efficiency into new buildings, equipment, travel and transport and other working practices.

Review targets for the reduction of energy consumption. Monitor report and update.


Reduce the use of water and materials through awareness programmes and through designing efficiency into new buildings, equipment and working practices.

Set and meet targets for the reduction of utility consumption. Monitor report and update this annually.

Reduce, reuse or recycle solid waste where economically and environmentally sensible. When these options are not available, dispose of solid waste in the most environmentally responsible manner.

Set targets for the reduction of waste produced. Monitor, report and update these annually.

The following is a selection of initiatives that the hotels adopt to help reduce, re-use and recycle:

  • Dual flush toilets to save water.
  • Energy efficient windows to improve thermal performance resulting in less of a requirement for heating in winter and air conditioning in summer.
  • Dedicated recycling unit.
  • Separate walk in showers to encourage guests to use the shower instead of the bath resulting in water saving.
  • Re-use of furniture and fittings after our refurbishments by donating to local charities and businesses.
  • Installation of low energy light bulbs.
  • Favour supplies derived from recycled materials or renewable resources.


On a day to day basis the teams in all Hotels take the following actions in their contribution to helping the environment

  • Recycling of paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, mobile phones, waste cooking oil, toner cartridges and dry cleaning coat hangers.
  • Re-use towels on guest request.
  • Provide newspapers on request to avoid wastage and recycle any spares.
  • Daily monitor water/gas/electricity consumption to aid reducing consumption levels.
  • Bulk purchase of chemicals.
  • Chemical dosage dispensers.
  • Donate soap bars and toiletries to charity.
  • Compact waste so less collections required.
  • Encourage car share.
  • Encourage cycle to work and have provided cycle rack facilities plus discount on cycling goods with local retailers.
  • Encourage local transport and provide information on their facilities
  • Purchase recycled goods.
  • Provide environmental awareness and training as part of the new staff induction programme.
  • Ongoing environmental and awareness training.
  • Have a dedicated environmental group driving forward new initiatives.
  • Use conference call phones between properties to minimise travel. If travel is absolutely necessary, rail is the preferred option where possible.
  • Sales team promote our environment policy and awards to clients.
  • Co-ordinate in advance staff taxi journeys and pick-ups to minimise number of taxi journeys.


Reduce the use of hazardous or non-degradable chemicals. We will work with our supplier partners to encourage use of environmentally friendly soaps and detergents for laundering bed linen and towels. Where the use of such substances is unavoidable, train staff in their handling and disposal and take precautions to minimise the impact of spillage

Reduce the use of ozone depleting substances in supplied packaging materials, refrigerants and fire suppression systems by specifying new equipment that is free of such materials and replacing existing systems as directed by legislation. Staff are COSHH trained.


Reduce as far as commercially practicable the level of harmful or nuisance emissions.

Collect used cooking oil and recycle it through a licensed contractor.

Carry on business in a responsible manner with due regard to the hotels' immediate environment, particularly at unsociable hours and in relation to noise, odour, lighting, litter, uncollected waste or deliveries and collections.

Maintain building exteriors, outdoor equipment and grounds to create a positive visual impact within the hotels' community.

Introduce contingency plans for major incidents to reduce their environmental impact.


A selection of actions of ways in which we support our local environment, services and suppliers:

  • Provide information to guests on walks, wildlife and parks.
  • Provide information to guests on walking & jogging routes from the hotels.
  • Provide cycle hire information to guests.
  • Provide local transport services information to our staff and guests.
  • Purchasing policy in place to ensure the hotels use eco friendly chemicals, local and sustainable produce with minimal transport and packaging.

بمواصلة استعراض هذا الموقع، انت توفق على استخدام ملافات تعريف الرابطات (cookies) لمعرفة المزيد حول سياستنا الخصوصية اضغط هنا. قبول ملفات تعريف الارتباط